Pastor Chris’ Perspective on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, a renowned Nigerian pastor and the founder of Christ Embassy, has often shared his teachings on various aspects of life, including marriage and divorce.

One of the most debated topics within Christian communities is divorce and remarriage. Pastor Chris, in his teachings, elaborates on the biblical views regarding marriage, divorce, and whether it is right for a Christian to remarry after divorce.

While these teachings may offer clarity, understanding the intricate relationship between marriage, divorce, and faith from Pastor Chris’s perspective is essential for believers navigating these personal and often challenging situations.

Understanding Pastor Chris’ Teachings on Divorce

In one of his sessions, Pastor discussed the topic of divorce and remarriage, focusing on biblical teachings and the circumstances under which divorce is considered acceptable. This topic holds great significance because of the complexity surrounding marital relationships and divorce in Christian communities. 

The question of whether it is permissible for a Christian to marry a divorcee has been a subject of controversy for years. Pastor Chris offers insight based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostolic writings found in the Bible.

Pastor Chris’s approach to divorce emphasizes that while the Bible provides specific guidelines on the matter, certain circumstances can influence how divorce and remarriage are handled. He cites key scripture passages from both the Old and New Testament that shed light on the conditions under which divorce may occur.

Biblical Teachings: Pastor Chris’ Views on Divorce

To better understand Pastor Chris’s teachings on divorce, it is important to examine what the Bible says on the subject. One key passage from his teachings comes from the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus addresses divorce. In Matthew 19:7-9, Jesus states that Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of people’s hearts. Still, he emphasized that it was not God’s original design for marriage.

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Pastor Chris explains that the commandment regarding divorce was given to the Jewish people under the law of Moses. Jesus, however, sets a higher standard in his teachings, revealing that divorce was only permitted in specific situations, such as sexual immorality.

He notes that this teaching forms the foundation for understanding the biblical perspective on divorce, emphasizing that marriage should be treated as a sacred covenant between a husband and wife.

What Does Divorce Mean for Christians?

Pastor Chris points out that divorce in the Christian faith is seen as a violation of God’s original plan for marriage. However, he also acknowledges that there are instances where divorce is permitted. Pastor Chris frequently cites the apostle Paul’s writings in 1 Corinthians 7 to explain the differences in how divorce and remarriage are viewed by the early church compared to the time of Moses.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 that a wife should not separate from her husband, and vice versa. Still, if separation occurs, reconciliation should be sought. Paul further elaborates in verse 15, saying that if an unbelieving spouse chooses to depart, the believer is not bound in such cases. This reflects the reality of living in a broken world, where some situations may be beyond the control of the couple, mainly when there is a lack of spiritual unity or when one partner refuses to live in peace.

What Contributes to Divorce in Marriage?

While the Bible outlines certain circumstances under which divorce is acceptable, Pastor Chris delves deeper into the causes of divorce. According to him, the root causes of divorce often stem from selfishness, a lack of understanding of biblical principles regarding marriage, or unresolved conflict between spouses. Many couples fail to communicate effectively and fall into patterns of selfishness, which eventually leads to irreconcilable differences.

In such cases, Pastor Chris suggests that reconciliation is always the best solution. He refers to Matthew 18:15-17, which provides a clear framework for resolving conflicts. The scripture advises that if a brother or sister has a grievance with their spouse, they should first attempt to reconcile privately. If the issue persists, they are advised to seek assistance from others and, if necessary, bring the matter before the church for resolution.

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Pastor Chris stresses that both spouses must be committed to the idea of reconciliation, working together in unity and with humility to resolve their differences. However, when one spouse remains unwilling to engage or refuses to follow biblical principles, divorce may be an option, especially when it involves an unbeliever or someone who actively resists reconciliation.

The Role of Reconciliation in Marriage

Pastor Chris emphasizes the importance of reconciliation in marriage. He firmly believes that Christians should make every effort to resolve conflicts and seek peace within their relationships. Reconciliation is at the heart of the Christian faith, and it should be prioritized in marital relationships.

He often reminds his followers that the goal is to foster unity and restore the marriage, even in challenging circumstances. Divorce, while permitted under certain conditions, should never be the first option for a Christian couple. Pastor Chris encourages couples to approach their marriages with love, patience, and understanding, always seeking to resolve disagreements through communication and mutual respect.

Is It Right for a Christian to Marry a Divorcee?

Another key question that Pastor Chris addresses in his teachings is whether it is right for a Christian to marry someone who has been divorced. The answer to this question depends on the circumstances surrounding the divorce. If the divorce occurred due to the biblical reasons allowed by scripture, such as adultery or abandonment by an unbeliever, then remarriage may be permissible.

However, Pastor Chris warns against marrying someone who has divorced for reasons other than what the Bible allows. He explains that entering into a relationship with someone who has unresolved issues from a previous marriage could lead to future complications. He encourages individuals to seek God’s guidance in such matters, ensuring that they are making decisions based on faith and biblical principles rather than personal desires.

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Christ Embassy’s Role in Marriage Ministry

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s teachings on marriage, divorce, and remarriage are not only for individual couples but also form part of the broader ministry of Christ Embassy. The church provides guidance and support to families, helping them navigate the challenges that come with marital relationships. Through his teachings he offers practical advice on how to build healthy, thriving marriages rooted in the love of Christ.

Additionally, Christ Embassy is deeply involved in various charitable activities and initiatives aimed at strengthening family life and supporting individuals and communities in need. The church’s commitment to spreading the gospel includes empowering couples and families to live in harmony and uphold biblical values in their relationships.

Marriage is Not Just a Contract 

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s teachings on marriage, divorce, and remarriage are deeply rooted in biblical principles. While divorce is permitted in specific circumstances, he emphasizes that it should not be viewed as the first solution. Reconciliation, communication, and mutual respect are essential to maintaining a healthy, God-centered marriage. For those navigating the complexities of divorce and remarriage, the Christ Embassy offers sound biblical counsel, encouraging believers to make decisions based on faith, understanding, and a desire for peace in their relationships.

As Christians, it is essential to remember that marriage is not just a contract but a covenant, and it is through this covenant that couples can experience the love and grace of God in their relationships.

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