What's on the Michigan ballot for the 2024 primary? Here's what's up for grabs today.

Michiganders of both parties The state is going to the polls to vote in the 2024 presidential primaries. The list of who is still running in the Democratic and Republican primaries is short; Check out the sample ballot below to find out what choices are available Michigan voters have

While Michigan is an early primary on the presidential nominating schedule, it comes earlier than it has in the past few primary cycles. Change to state law Last year, the list of candidates in both parties quickly dwindled.

Here's what to know about who's on the ballot in Michigan Voters go to the polling station.

Who's on the ballot for the Michigan primary?

On the Democratic side, President Biden will appear on the ballot with Representative Dean Phillips of Minnesota. Mr. Phillips last year. He launched a long-running challenge to Biden's re-election, warning that Democrats are on track to lose to former President Donald Trump. Author Marianne Williamson will also appear on the ballot, although she Dropped out of the competition Earlier this month. According to the Michigan Secretary of State, the candidate list was finalized in December.

For Republicans, Trump and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley will also appear on the ballot, and Haley hopes to get in, despite the former president's dominance in every state primary so far. Pastor Ryan Binkley will also appear on the ballot. and former New Jersey governor. Chris ChristieState of Florida Ron DeSantisFormer Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and businessman Vivek Ramasamy All of them have suspended their campaigns and will appear on the ballot.

In both Republican and Democratic votes, Voters There will also be an option to select “undecided” when voting for their political party in favor of a particular presidential candidate. With enough noncommittal votes, the party will send delegates to a nominating convention that have not committed to a particular candidate. Among some Democrats, Mr. Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

What else is on the ballot for the Michigan primary?

In some parts of the state, Local Jurisdictions In addition to the presidential election, special elections are held. There are proposals on local ballots for property taxes and bond issues. Voters can view proposals in their community with a sample ballot Michigan Department of State website.

Sample Ballot for the 2024 Michigan Primary

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